• 1. CONTACT

    The best way to book your cover design is by filling out my custom cover design form (click any of the BOOK NOW buttons to go to form). After you’ve filled out the form, I will soon contact you by email so we can discuss when you’d like to start your book cover’s design.

    After a start-date has been selected, I will send you a cover design questionnaire, which will give me all the info I need in order to start your cover (I’ll need this filled out at least two weeks before your cover’s start-date).

    At this time I will send you a PayPal invoice where at least a 25% deposit needs to be put down in order to hold your spot on my calendar.

    **Your place on my calendar can't be held until 25% of the invoice is taken care of. Your cover won't be booked until this happens.


    Once I begin the ebook cover, I'll email you visual updates on how the initial concept looks and how things are laid out. This is where your feedback is greatly encouraged so I can incorporate any of your suggestions into the cover’s concept. I want your honest thoughts on what you want for the design cause this is YOUR cover, and I want you to be happy with the direction it’s going in.

    As a heads up, the visual updates I’ll send you will be rough-drafts since I haven’t bought the images yet (the cover won’t be pretty at this point haha). Examples of cover concept designs are below this section.

    Once you're satisfied with the cover’s concept design, I'll buy the images that we’ve chosen and will now be able to dive into the heavy designing phase.

  • 3. DESIGN

    This is when the magic happens! I’ll be able to blend, polish, and give your cover the beauty treatment it deserves. When I've wrapped up the ebook cover's final design, I'll email you a watermarked copy of the cover. If you notice any minor issues or want something small tweaked, let me know and I’ll make the adjustments.

    After you give me the thumbs up for the ebook cover, I will now be able to create paperback/hardback covers (if you had purchased either of these).

    **No major changes can be made at this point, which is why you need to let me know everything you're wanting when we're finalizing the cover's concept.

  • 4. DELIVER

    Next step is to settle the invoice (if there’s a leftover balance) so I can send you the cover’s final files (JPG, PNG, and PDF). I will not be able to send you any of your covers’ files until the invoice is paid in full.

    If we started your ebook cover, knowing your book isn’t finished/formatted yet, I will still be able to create the print cover(s) you purchased, but the process isn’t done yet. Later after you’ve completed your formatted version of your book you will need to email me the final page and word count. That’s when I will be able to download the proper template(s) needed in order to finalize your print cover(s).

    **Please don’t wait last minute to contact me with your book’s final page/word count in case I have a busy schedule that week. I will update your print cover(s) as soon as I can.